4G » Historique » Révision 2
Révision 1 (sacha, 30/01/2020 16:19) → Révision 2/4 (sacha, 30/01/2020 16:26)
# 4G
[[https://atelier.aquilenet.fr/attachments/839|Doc de ouf sur la 4G]]
## Installation API Python de Huawei
pkg_add py3-pip
ln -sf /usr/local/bin/pip3.6 /usr/local/bin/pip
pip install huawei-lte-api
# API: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/huawei_lte_api/api
# For more API calls just look on code in the huawei_lte_api/api folder, there is no separate DOC yet
## Consulter l'API Huawei ( en Python )
~~~ python
from huawei_lte_api.Client import Client
from huawei_lte_api.AuthorizedConnection import AuthorizedConnection
from huawei_lte_api.Connection import Connection
connection = AuthorizedConnection('http://admin:Rosedor123@')
# connection = AuthorizedConnection('http://admin:MY_SUPER_TRUPER_PASSWORD@', login_on_demand=True)
# connection = Connection('')
client = Client(connection) # This just simplifies access to separate API groups, you can use device = Device(connection) if you want
print(client.device.signal()) # Can be accessed without authorization
## Exportateur Prometheus
/usr/local/bin/python /home/sacha/huawei.py \
| gsed -e 's/['\''{}]//g' -e 's/[][]//g' -e 's/dBm//g' -e 's/dB//g' -e 's/MHz//g' -e 's/kHz//g' -e 's/\n//g' \
| tr -d '\n' | tr ',' '\n' \
| gsed -e 's/^ //' -e '/^$/d' -e '/^nei_cellid*/d' -e '/^ul_mcs*/d' -e '/^dl_mcs/d' -e '/None/d' -e 's/txpower: //g' \
-e 's/PPucch/\nPPuch/g' -e 's/PSrs/\nPSrs/g' -e 's/PPrach/\nPPrach/g' -e 's/earfcn: //g' -e 's/UL/\nUL/g' -e 's/ //g' \
-e 's/:/ /g' -e 's/transmode TM/transmode /g' \
| sed -e 's/^/huawei_/' \
> /var/node_exporter/huawei.prom || rm /var/node_exporter/huawei.prom
echo >> /var/node_exporter/huawei.prom
## Antennes externes LTE SMA-J1.5
https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B01N11WV54 ou la https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B00CS2D7ZI
Qualité du signal 4G:
| RSRQ: -5dB | RSRQ: -12dB |
| RSRP: -85dBm => super !!! | RSRP: -108dBm |
| SINR: 1dB | SINR: 7dB |
| PLMN: 20810 | PLMN: 20810 |