


Raspberry pi 0w » Historique » Révision 2

Révision 1 (guillaume.devoyon, 24/05/2018 15:49) → Révision 2/4 (guillaume.devoyon, 24/05/2018 15:52)

h1. Raspberry pi 0w 

 This version in under build (05/2018) and clearly not finalized. But this wiki will be used to capitalize the work done for sharing in full opensource mind and way to work/live. 

 The objective of this version is to use a really known component : the raspberry Pi. We will focus only in one version the pi zero w 
 More details about this version can be find here : 
 The usage of this version is quite interesting for many reasons : 

 * The size, really tiny. 
 * Wifi and Bluetooth already included 
 * Linux distro installation really easy and well described on many website. Nothing new here. 
 * The electric consumption of the compute/memory/storage is around 120ma and can be reduce if we remove Hdmi later on (once installation done). This mean that for a all day long we will consume around 3A that can be managed by a classic bicycle battery 12v 7a/H + tiny solar panel. ( to be proof by real life tests) 

 Steps to be done currently : 

 * [[Install Install Operating system on raspberry pi 0w]] 0w 
 * [[Make Make the probes (for the moment, temperature, hydro, presure based on BME280) and link to rasp (hw side)]] side) 
 * [[link link probes to Rasp (software side)]] side) 
 * [[automate automate data consolidation]] consolidation 

 In parallel to that, we will store below the scripts made (may be stored at the end in git repo) 

 - Script corner. 

 For any contact you can reach us on IRC on freenode on #openbeelab.