Install Operating system on raspberry pi 0w¶
To install Operating system on Raspberry pi there are many website describing how to do. For french noobies, better explanations here :
Raspbian Lite¶
The steps are classic :
Dowloading image from and download the "Raspbian Stretch Lite" version. We will not use X servers and other desktops tools. Just console.
unrar the .zip
tar -xvf /my/raspbian/
Install it on SDcard from your desktop pc
dd bs=512 if=/iso/place/on/my/computer of=/dev/mysdcard conv=sync
activate ssh, to create the ssh file in boot to activate it
$ touch /media/$USER/boot/ssh
set the wifi : edit the wifi config file to set your personnal SSID and psswd
vim /media/$USER/rootfs/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
add :
country=GB ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev update_config=1 network={ ssid="MyWiFiNetwork" psk="password123" }
eject sdcard :
$ sudo diskutil eject /dev/mmcbbtruc0 Password: Disk /dev/mmcbbtruc0 ejected`
start pi0 : put the sdcard in pi0 and plug it with usb to your computer
connect to pi0 (default psswd is raspberry)
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
extend file system
$ sudo raspi-config
in "7 Advanced options", select "A1 Expand filesystem", when operation done, reboot and reconnect to ssh.
update packages
$ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade
change password
Buildroot is a tool that help to build Linux embedded dedicated system. Basic tutorial here :